Cerebral Pinups For The Visually Starved


Best Road Trip Ever: Pt 2

So.Many.Pictures. These are the pics from the last leg of the trip, starting from Yachats, OR and ending in Sacramento, CA.

Unfortunately I didn’t include the pictures Mike took of our hellish drive on the mud roads of the redwood forest. But still got some fun ones in here.

Enjoy…and also make sure to scope out Pt 1…

Best Road Trip Ever: Pt 1

We flew into Seattle on a Monday, got our rental car (Phyllis The White Dragon) and headed down the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California through Thursday landing in Sacramento for a few days to spend time with friends.

I took an obscene amount of pictures, and still haven’t gotten through them all. Here’s what I have so far…

Meet Sean!

Meet Sean…he wants to work at your radio station! And he has good taste in photographers.

We headed out in my hood for some ‘cool urban’ shots, and I hope I pulled it off. Also snuck his wife in for a pics. These are some of my favs…

The first one I threw in just ’cause I’m in it and I think it’s cool. So, there.

April Showers

Took my camera out for the first time in a while today. Went on an extra long walk this morning. Here’s what I saw…

Nom Nom Nom

This weekend was filled with good times and sinful foods. Will be hitting the gym this week to make up for it…but it was worth it…



Tonight at a station even I got to take pics of Andy Grammer, Parachute, Default, and Hanson. Aside from taking pictures, I told Andy Grammer (who is totally hot) that he was hanging out with hood rats, and I learned that I can take pics with one hand while drinking beer with the other. All in all, an eventful evening.

Here’s some the proof…


Tonight I’m excited to be taking some pictures of Hanson in concert! Those will be coming soon, in the meantime, here’s some stuff from this week…

OMG! Updates!

Repeatedly I promise to make this ‘daily’ photoblog daily. Life gets in the way I guess. So, sorry to the one person that actually checks this site.

We’ve decided that Sundays we’re doing ‘family dinners’ or ‘family brunches’…which is basically an excuse to cook some good food and sit around and enjoy it with some tasty booze and with various friends that want to join in. And maybe a game or 2 of Clue. This is week 2, and since I haven’t updated here in a while, this post includes pictures from last Sunday and this Sunday. Along with some other random pics.


Lazy, Just Lazy

Haven’t taken my camera lately. Here’s some cold leftovers…

Gray Monday

Went for a coffee walk once again today. Here’s the proof…


Had plans to go to a nearby lake and shoot pictures today. But canceled those plans when I awoke to gray overcast skies. So instead I stayed home, cleaned, watcher Natural Born Killers, and shot artsy angsty looking pictures of myself in a window.

Please keep in mind these are very minimally Photoshopped, I have on no makeup, am unshowered, and have some super sexy chapped lips.

These pictures can either be used for the booklet of my album, or posters for a Hot Topic campaign…


Today on our coffee walk I mostly shot these little street art signs that I found pretty entertaining. I also have a new found fire under my ass about getting a real website and actually trying to make a little extra money with my camera. Will keep ya posted.

Back Log

One again I’m behind on pics. Oh wells. Here’s some catch up photos from the past week including, coworkers, dudes from The Fray, and today’s breakfast (eaten while listening to the new amazing Adele album!).

Ruby Tuesday

Not much to report today, just some pics on my coffee walk…

Valentine’s Day!

Probably my favorite holiday. Celebrated by cooking Mike some pasta last night and exchanging gifts. I got a rose, dark chocolates, hair ties, and a cool photography magazine. Apparently there are other gifts to follow this week, so, looking forward to that.

Here’s some pics of our walk to get coffee today-n-stuff…

Easy Like Sunday Morning

This morning we headed to brunch at one of our fav new places…Jelly. Luckily it was nice today, since we all had to stand outside and wait over an hour to be seated. Food was tasty, drinks were yummy, and the company was good. Although I brought my camera, I didn’t take as many pictures as I would have liked to.

The rest of my Sunday has been playing catch up. Cleaning, laundry, et cetera. Not a big fan of being so busy throughout the week that I’m left to do all of my domestic duties on my day off. Oh well, such is life. Did snap a couple pictures of myself in front of the window that I thought turned out pretty fun.

I’m about to start making a Valentine’s Day dinner for Mike, fresh linguine with fresh vodka sauce and shredded parmesan.  Followed up by the handmade chocolates and local dairy milk I got him. Pics hopefully to follow.

Alright, Alright, ALRIGHT!

I need to rekindle my relationship with my camera. I’ve been afraid to take it about because it’s been so icy outside and I’ve been afraid of falling and breaking my camera and my ass. But at the promise of warmer temperatures…my camera will once again be hung over my heart.

Here’s a little something…


Didja know Colorado has huge ass sand dunes? Now ya do! We took a weekend trip to check ’em out and take some pics. They’re about 4 hours south of Denver and in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, middle of nowhere. And even being out in the middle of nowhere, I still heard my voice in a commercial I’d done for Commercial Success for whatever tiny market it was playing from. Weird.

Anywho, this place is awesome! There’s no way any camera can capture how huge this place is. The only other living thing we saw was a few other people sledding down the dunes. No birds, no sounds, nothing.

Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the top of one of the biggest dunes so I could get some super awesome shots. Climbing uphill in nothing but sand is hard, very hard. Not to mention we were already over 8,000 feet above sea level. I’m sad we made it over halfway up and gave up…but we chose not to die today. We’ll attempt it again another time.

Being a sh*tload of sand, there’s not much else to take pics of but footprints. So there’s a lot of those. And pics of Mike to show perspective, otherwise you could never really appreciate how freaking big this place is.

‘Bout Time

I know, I know! I’ve been slacking updating my blog. So here’s an update….

Dave & Megan’s Big Day

First, congrats to Dave & Megan! Second, thanks Dave & Megan for letting me shoot your wedding and trusting me with such an important occasion.

It was an experience! More exhausting than I could imagine and incredibly frustrating with less than optimal lighting. Being that almost all of my experience has been with natural light….an entire event shot in flash at night was most definitely an obstacle. But I enjoyed the challenge, and hope to do it again.

Here are some of my favorite shots…

I’m Bad…

…at updating this daily. My apologies. A goal for the new year!

The Walk

Today I went for a walk down Broadway in the 60 degree weather to soak up every minute from my vacation. There’s also a couple pics thrown in from my walk yesterday too…

Alice’s Sweet 16

My first concert with a photographer’s pass. It was definitely a learning experience. I learned that venue bouncers are douche bag Nazis.

Out My Back Door

Looked out the window and saw what looked like a great sunset. But after the time it took me to grab my camera and run down the stairs, it lost it’s luster. So here’s the pics I got anyway…